
Admittedly - with a real beer lover, the hair on the back of the neck stands up just at the thought of darkening the cool blonde with an espresso. Nobody would have thought of ever considering this around 9 years ago. If it hadn't been for too many beers (without espresso) pouring out on a Saturday afternoon in a bar across from the then Vienna University of Economics and Business. The attempt to counter the emerging tiredness with an espresso without letting the alcohol level drop significantly, in connection with a helping of motivation from colleagues ("I sure don't trust you") and youthful exuberance finally ended in a first mixture of beer and espresso . After a brief initial period of resistance, everyone finally managed to try it once and - as is the case today after every first tasting - everyone ordered a large beer and an espresso straight away. Everyone at the table got a second cheer and it turned out to be a very long, lively and funny evening. Incidentally, a mixture of beer and coffee with the name Bieresso was invented on that day, interesting mixed variants developed on site and the first corresponding Facebook group found its exclusive members.