
The Gräflich zu Stolberg'sche Brewery Westheim GmbH is a medium-sized private brewery in Westheim, a town of Marsberg. The brewery was originally part of the estate Westheim, whose history goes back to the 11th century. In 1080 a ministerial family, called Westhem or Westheym, is detectable. These were associated with the Corveyer branch monastery Obermarsberg. Members of the family appear in various documents of the 12th and 13th century. Among other things, the knights of Westheim 1221 the property apparently temporarily transferred to the monastery Bredelar to participate in a crusade. The family of Westheim died out in the 15th century and the estate came into the possession of the Lords of Callenberg. The Westheim-based branch of the family died in 1813. In 1840, the property was acquired by Catholic politician Joseph Theodor zu Stolberg-Stolberg. After his death, the estate was first leased in 1860. Later it took over but the family Stolberg-Stolberg again directly. Long-time owner was in the second half of the 19th century until his death in 1925 Hermann Joseph Graf zu Stolberg-Stolberg, who, like his father engaged politically.