
Since 2017 we brew Tübingen Craft Beer in micro batches of maximum 200l and as Gypsy Brewers between 5 and 25hl. We, that is a Tübingen and a Tübingen New Zealander, who met in Tübingen to creatively create new beer together. Away from the industry unit drink we design unique beers for us and all who know us. Beer is more than Pils, Export and Helles. Hops, malt, water and yeast: only four ingredients, but endless possibilities. The beguiling aromas of the many hop varieties and the proud variety of flavors of the different malts get the stage they deserve with us. Our program focuses on intense aroma experiences instead of simple thirst quenchers. We experiment, we try, change, improve, design and reject. Free to try out everything we feel like. Today like this, tomorrow like that and the day after tomorrow different again. Tradition and the tried and tested are done by others.