Already 2017 we have found the BeerTasting.APP. Originally we only wanted to create an APP, that explains the Users from the "Kalea Bieradventskalender" all the details of the beer. The Tasters had to rate the daily beers and out of this feedback, everyone new, which beer was the best of the actual edition. The big advantage has been, that Kalea can improve with this information every year the quality for the calendars.
But because the interests have been much higher, we have expanded the APP for beerfestivals.
Now we have more than 30.000 beers in the APP included and it is a great tool, to save its own impressions or to read the reviews from thousands of other "BeerTasters".
We hope you have fun with this APP and you will help us, to expand the number of different beers in the database.
If you have any ideas for improving this actual version or other inquiries - please contact us and write us an email:
Biersinnliche regards
Peter and Lukas