Hoppy X-Mas

We wish you and your loved ones a sensual beer Christmas and relaxing holidays 🎄🤩 Enjoy your last beer from your Beer Advent Calendar and look forward to next year 🍻😍

We hope you enjoyed the brewers advent calendar and the journey through germany!
Thanks to alle the great feedback we have received the last month - it has been so great for us too!!!!

Your Kalea Team!


gmb2642 • vor 3 Jahren
I got the last box of my local Costco store and I’m happy with my decision.
keithhook • vor 3 Jahren
I really like the whole concept of this kit . The Biers were good and it was fun. I could not wait to try the next bier. The thing that I was disappointed with the amount of substitutions for a lesser bier. There was too many of them. Without the good biers in the batch it was kind a boring mix. I have been to German and Austria and all the biers that I sampled ther were fabulous. I think this kit needs a good mix of the excellent biers these 2 countries have to offer and it will be a winner all the way.
linz • vor 3 Jahren
Hi so much fun
• vor 3 Jahren
This was great fun! Thanks
tcernilli • vor 3 Jahren
Job well done. I thoroughly enjoyed tasting all these fantastic beers. I can’t wait till next year.
huffys • vor 3 Jahren
Love the beers! And I mean it is a highlight of my year! This year’s was I think the best yet. Please keep it up if you can. You all deserve a bear hug of gratitude. I do wonder though why we do not see any stouts? I enjoy the roasted malts as well. But, love it all. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
BeerTasting Team • vor 3 Jahren
We mainly work together with traditional breweries. Unfortunately they do not brew stouts. But in 2022 I can promise you - you will find at least one Stout.
topheritter • vor 3 Jahren
I second jsbenson0519 below -- the Brewers Advent Calendar has been delightful every year, but y'all really stepped it up a notch with the livestreamed videos this year! I learned a ton and discovered a whole new wing of personal beer taste (Bavarian helles lagers and weizenbocks -- so delicious, and barely represented in the U.S. northwest). I was inspired to brew my own helles weizenbock based on the Ladenburger, and I will definitely be taking a brewery tour of Bavaria when I finally get to explore my ancestral homelands. Danke schön, pröst, and merry Christmas!
BeerTasting Team • vor 3 Jahren
YES - the Live tastings have been so great for us too. We did not plan to do them orginally, but we are glad, we have done them.
jsbenson0519 • vor 3 Jahren
This is my favorite time of the year and the advent calendar is a big part of the reason why. I love the whole experience from wondering what the next beer will be to the online beer rating/comments to the live YouTube and the prize of winning beer tasting glasses , (I hope to be tasting next year’s beers in those glasses). Thank you so much for all your effort and hard work putting this together. Merry Christmas everyone everywhere
BeerTasting Team • vor 3 Jahren
Thanks for this feedback. We will try to find a solution, how to bring the glasses to the US.
jcrowell32 • vor 3 Jahren
I realy enjoyed the selection of beers. I had 2 that were different than being tasted. I look forward to next years tastings. Merry Christmas
brian_54 • vor 3 Jahren
frohe Weihnachten!!

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