Under the name "Independent Brewers of Europe", or IBE for short, more than 2,000 small, independent breweries gather. They are already members of nine associations from France, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Ireland, Sweden, Great Britain, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic. New participant since November: The Deutsche Kreativbrauer from Germany.
Mike Benner, CEO of the English association SIBA is happy: "We are delighted that the independent breweries in Europe have been given a much needed voice with the creation of IBE".
The following organisations are involved:
ICBI, Independent Brewers of Ireland, Ireland
AECAI, La Asociacion Española de Cerveceras Artesanas Independientes, Spain
SIBA, The Society of Independent Brewers, Great Britain
SNBI, Syndicat National des Brasseurs Indépendants, France
Czech and Moravian Microbreweries Association, Czech Republic
CRAFT, Craft Brewers Netherland, Netherlands
Unionbirrai, Italy
Scanian Beverage Producers, Sweden
Det Fri Øl, Denmark
Deutsche Kreativbrauer, Gemany
Photo by Elevate on Unsplash