Brewer's Advent 2023 Day 17: Dietrachinger - Schwarze Tinte


"Schwarze Tinte" is Martin Seidl’s Stout, his most important product. Martin is a jack-of-all-trades: a mechanical engineer with his own farm. In 1996 he built his own brewing plant. He also learned to brew beer self-taught, before becoming a microbrewer and founding the Dietrachtinger Brewery in Austria, not far from Salzburg. 

As a dedicated small brewer, Martin initiated the Austrian Beer Challenge (ABC) in 2003. Back then, the beer competition was only accessible to home and small breweries with an annual output of 1,000 hectoliters. Today, all Austrian breweries can submit their beers to the ABC if they are independently and privately owned.

Schwarze Tinte – Black Ink

Martin first brewed "Schwarze Tinte" (translated: black ink) in 1997 using the barley grown on his own fields. He sowed it, harvested the mature grains, and most importantly, roasted the barley himself in a huge smoker. Interestingly, Martin came up with the name when he was cleaning the lines after brewing and thought, "This looks like black ink!"

Several years ago, Martin brewed his "Tinte" in the USA, using roasted grains he brought from his Austrian homeland.

Cheers with this deep black stout. Cheers with "Schwarze Tinte"!

BeerTasting DAILY-Video


Dietrachinger - Schwarze Tinte Can
6,2% vol.
Dietrachinger Brauerei


JayRam • vor 1 Jahr
I always liked brewing ambers, stouts, and porters both because I like those styles and they’re more forgiving of mistakes. Maybe less appreciation among US homebrewers for helles, which German brewers do very well.
Ken Runstadler, Jr. • vor 1 Jahr
BTW, Mareike Hasenbeck is awesome! She knows American beer culture very well. She doesn't do much work in English. Nevertheless, she has a nice voice, and is soft on the eyes. I predict she'll teach me how to understand German language!
Ken Runstadler, Jr. • vor 1 Jahr
May I give my opinion about beer culture too? Americans who appreciate homebrewing and craft beer are likely "hopheads." That is, we tend to like strong, bitter taste and aroma. As such, IPA is extremely popular. Also, IPA is easy to brew at home. This has been true since the 1980s. But I think American craft brewers are gradually leaving IPA and becoming more capable of brewing more delicate types of beer. Judging from my Advent Calendar, maybe American craft brewers still have some room for improvement as far as refinement. But it inevitably will come. Thoughts?
allen nelke • vor 1 Jahr
Thanks. All good. Send me a beer 🍺 🙂
Gerry (BeerTasting) • vor 1 Jahr
Fixed it. Now you find the right video and in English. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. Seems like the wrong video was uploaded last week. Sorry folks, I owe you, Cheers and hope you enjoyed the Schwarze Tinte, now with the correct Reel.
Futbol mono • vor 1 Jahr
Avery nice light stout. Good depth of flavor, but light on the richness I prefer if I will allow myself to enjoy. 3.5.
bakerae123 • vor 1 Jahr
The video audio is not English but I get the gist of it. This one’s a sipper. I like the detour through two very distinctive dark beers on the calendar this weekend. The Black Ink is definitely a warming elixir for a chilly evening in Montana, cheers!
Mik Nelke • vor 1 Jahr
Wrong beer, wrong language. Like all the videos, bad audio.
Gerry (BeerTasting) • vor 1 Jahr
Sorry for the inconveniences. On the „one take“ recording sessions we had some troubles with the audio mics frequencys.
kenbottesi • vor 1 Jahr
Stout. Nice change. Great. Give a 4
wunder • vor 1 Jahr
The video doesn't cover the beer I received. My case has Alms Hell for this day. Another (too many) clear(filtered) straw colored beer that is a good German beer but just ordinary in character.
allen nelke • vor 1 Jahr
You can see in the video they open a different calendar. I hope we can see the correct one today 🙏
allen nelke • vor 1 Jahr
This is the wrong video for a different Advent calendar. Please fix
Gerry (BeerTasting) • vor 1 Jahr
We did, sorry for this.
jacksonmplt • vor 1 Jahr
Luckily I understand most German but the beer we received was Kurpfalz brau HELLES. IT IS A 3.5 Good taste and color. Scent is also good.
Ken Runstadler, Jr. • vor 1 Jahr
Yes, the video for Day 17 is produced in German. LOL! Also, the beer discussed is NOT Dietrachtenger Schwarze Tinte Collab Stout. IMO, the aformentioned is an excellent stout possessing the refinement that all German beer seems to have, and which is mostly unmatched anywhere around the globe. I too am disappointed with the occasional mismatch between the video and the actual beer packed in my Advent Calendar. But this incongruence is ostensibly due to your local Alcohol Control Commission (ACC) whose purpose is to protect you from brewers who might care less about injuring or killing their customers. As a retailer, one must secure a local license to sell a beer -a tall task when packaging 24 different brews across hundreds or more ACCs across North America. That said, let us raise a toast to excellent Bier from our brothers from the German-speaking world! Prost!!
Original KALEA • vor 1 Jahr
Thanks Ken, very well described. And sorry about the wrong video source on Sunday, the BT team got fixed it today.
CBarre • vor 1 Jahr
Video was in German.

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